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Would you like to add a specific tweet!? then contact @EeliyaKing

james cameron…i need you work a miracle for me and robert rodriguez

3/31/2023, 3:38:37 AM

@dazedlewis #GiveAlitaHerSequel #AlitaArmy

3/31/2023, 7:04:54 AM

Getting the Alito look down for #MEGACONOrlando2023 #Alita #AlitaSequel #AlitaArmy #AlitaBattleAngel #BattleAngel #BattleAngelAlita #Gunnm #Gally #YukitoKishiro

3/31/2023, 5:39:08 AM

alita fans are the best, with them we will see the continuation of alita battle angel, I hope so #AlitaArmy

3/30/2023, 7:01:33 PM

Alita: Battle Angel Did You Know? Short #3 Available on YouTube too #kaosnova #alitaarmy @DavidBirch1982 @vladdie777

3/30/2023, 5:33:18 PM

Hey #AlitaArmy, join us on this weekend's #Alita Livestream. Here are the times: Friday, March 31 3:00 PM PDT 4:00 PM MDT 5:00 PM CDT 6:00 PM EDT 11:00 PM GMT Saturday, April 1 12:00 AM CET 3:30 AM IST 6:00 AM AWST 8:00 AM AEST 9:00 AM AEDT Click on

3/31/2023, 6:04:25 AM

#AlitaSequel #AlitaArmy

3/30/2023, 8:10:55 PM

Go go go !! #April2 #AlitaMassTweet #AlitaArmy #PostFromReddit #AlitaSequel #AlitaBattleAngel

3/30/2023, 6:46:10 PM

Look what I bought! #alitaarmy #alitabattleangel

3/30/2023, 4:53:25 PM