
More information/projects will be added in the future

If you have a project which you would like to share with Alita Alrmy, please contact @EeliyaKing

Here is a list of some in-progress projects by Alita Army, enjoy!

Alita Electric Skates

Electric skates is an open source project inspired by those seen in the street motorball scene in the Alita: Battle Angel movie.

Author of the idea is u/TechNotarius <@M0nteCarl0> who was almost immediately joined by u/dmitmel <@dmitmel>

You should definitely check it out, and also feel free to contact them if you like to participate.


A game made by Unreal Engine by u/Rastrelly

A/D or arrows - move
Shift - dash
Space - jump
Alt - rage strike (use when above 6 Rage Points)

Some useful links

I Do Not Stand by in The Presence of Evil Website

You are at the moment in this website. @EeliyaKing originally bought the domain and started the project. @dmitmel is also participating regarding to providing data for Statistics page which is work in progress.

Here are some useful links regarding this project