映画『テトリス』ではクライヴ・李師匠が嬉しそうにGB版テトリスを遊ぶ姿が見られるのでアリータファンにもオススメです。 #Tetris #AppleTVPlus #RickYune #AlitaArmy
4/5/2023, 5:20:18 PM
@Schmendrick19 Morning hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and we need a #AlitsSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon
4/5/2023, 7:50:35 AM
@tonyhughes50s Good Morning Tony! Thank you very much! I wish you a gorgeous Wednesday, too! ??? We'll keep on discussing, arguing and justifying why our #AlitaArmy needs an #AlitaSequel. Even when it needs another 4 years and more for @Disney's decision to #GiveAlitaHerSequel.
4/5/2023, 8:03:43 AM
@JB_Duclion_91 Morning hope you have a terific Tuesday and we need a #AlitsSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel Now
4/4/2023, 8:39:25 AM
@tonyhughes50s I had a very busy Tuesday but it's ok? Sooner or later Alita: Fallen Angel will become a reality?? You me #AlitaArmy @JimCameron @jonlandau @Rodriguez #RosaSalazar and fans everywhere we all want #AlitaSequel?
4/4/2023, 6:51:21 PM
Well #AlitaArmy, it's past my bedtime so I must go before I turn into a pumpkin ??...but OMG, our pretty cyborg girl is just way too cute when she is falling asleep!?❤️❤️❤️❤️??“See” you tomorrow hunter-warriors.
4/4/2023, 4:41:44 AM
バービーの映画にはデュア・リパが出るし、お人形さんみたいに可愛いアリータちゃんを混入しても差し支えありませんよね? #Barbie #AlitaArmy https://t.co/lUyMPOZanO
4/5/2023, 2:51:30 PM
@TravisHouze Because Rodriguez used the Iron City set he keeps up up to use for the Alita sequels when Disney greenlights them, using it for corporate events and movie/tv shoots meanwhile. It's a beautiful set! Shame if it went to waste. @Disney!
4/4/2023, 12:43:53 AM
@vladdie777 @TravisHouze @Disney Iron City Theme Park needed. EOD. Give #AlitaArmy their home base. And an #AlitaSequel. Thank you, @JimCameron, @JonLandau, and Mr. @Rodriguez.
4/5/2023, 6:41:00 AM
HoKa Hey #AlitaArmy! Our cyborg girl is excited about my video previewing her Champion's League debut in a few hours. Here's the link. https://t.co/AaX57D0d4L
4/4/2023, 4:44:20 PM
@Disney we want an #AlitaSequel already!! ? #AlitaArmy #AlitaFallenAngel
4/3/2023, 7:38:59 PM