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Great news ?? #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #Alita

4/27/2023, 7:34:13 AM

Hey #AlitaArmy, does anybody recognize this monster 5 inch moth with the freaky owl eyes on it's wings? My kids have been keeping a cocoon in our kitchen for 6 months, and last night this guy emerged! #BattleAngelAlita #銃夢 #YukitoKishiro #PolyphemusMoth

4/26/2023, 9:32:07 PM

Hope You Had A Great Day @tonyhughes50s 'ALITA, It's a nice name.' 'I love it. Can we keep it at least until l remember my own name.' #battleangelpic of the day #alita #battleangel #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitaarmy

4/26/2023, 8:52:37 PM

Acabo de ver de nuevo la peli Alita: Battle Angel y repito: AHÍ ESTÁ LA ÚNICA SECUELA QUE ME INTERESA.

4/25/2023, 5:30:15 AM

@GisselEscu Por fin aparece una compatriota fan de Alita. Puedes unirte a #AlitaArmy para ayudar en la campaña para la secuela.

4/25/2023, 10:16:20 PM

Ayer la transmitieron en un canal local en mi país, hoy está en FX, más y más #Alita ? #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #AlitaBattleAngel

4/26/2023, 10:28:18 PM

@alexiogrenier Ido's little helper! ?

4/26/2023, 1:39:13 PM

@vladdie777 @alexiogrenier ... needs help, too! Our help! #AlitaBattleAngel | #AlitaArmy | #AlitaSequel | #GiveAlitaHerSequel

4/26/2023, 8:52:48 PM

Well #AlitaArmy, it's way past my bedtime...but OMG, our pretty cyborg girl is just way too cute when she is sleeping!?❤❤❤❤??“See” you tomorrow hunter-warriors.

4/26/2023, 6:46:22 AM

Hey #AlitaArmy, take a look at my latest #Alita video edit...

4/25/2023, 9:12:59 PM