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Join us LIVE right now for #AlitaArmy Radio KAOS episode 163! Today, we'll be discussing the possibility that Alita could finally be getting a sequel announcement soon...ish. YouTube: Come, let us know what you think about the recent comments by Rob Rod.

5/13/2023, 10:50:10 PM

Hope You Have A Fabulous Day @tonyhughes50s Driftwood- Freeloader "Alita: Battle Angel" #battleangelpic of the day #alita #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitaarmy #alitamovie #battleangel #battleangelalita #gunnm #rosasalazar

5/13/2023, 6:51:54 PM

@KowalcikKarl @vladdie777 Ich wünsche Dir schnellstmöglich gute Besserung! Achte gut auf Dich und mach Dir einen ruhigen Sommer! Unser Schutzengel wacht über Dich! Halte uns auf dem Laufenden wie es Dir geht! Schönes Wochenende und bis bald Charly!

5/13/2023, 9:52:09 AM

@Schmendrick19 @vladdie777 Danke☺️ ich versuche mich zu schonen um ganz gesund zu werden aber es ist wegen der Art der Entzündung langwierig wird schon.. ich guck ab und zu rein und wenn die Community mich braucht bin ich eh da ???? bis demnächst ☺️ #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #Alita

5/13/2023, 10:25:58 AM

Angel of Death Art & Story By Yukito Kishiro #battleangelpic of the day #alita #manga #anime #mangagirl #animegirl #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitaarmy #battleangel #battleangelalita #gunnm #cyborg #gally #yoko #yukitokishiro #rosasalazar #scifi

5/13/2023, 7:22:33 AM

Would be great to see some media articles about this. Alita was really unlucky with many factors that held it back from breaking out at release, not least the Disney merger severely impacting Alita’s marketing. Without the fan action, Alita would have been dead in the water.

5/13/2023, 10:47:25 AM

@vladdie777 That's something being part of the #AlitaArmy has helped show me. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't make a difference in this world. #AlitaSequel

5/13/2023, 9:31:54 PM

Alita: Battle Angel "Driftwood - Freeloader (Vocal Mix)"" target="_blank"> #Alita #BattleAngel #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaSequel #AlitaArmy #DanceMusic Alita: Battle Angel "Driftwood - Freeloader (Vocal Mix)" via @YouTube

5/13/2023, 6:06:59 PM

#AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel

5/13/2023, 9:13:55 AM

@esdraxus yo ni sabia que existia, pero hoy en dia es diferente, igualmente mucha gente la ha descubierto ahora ultimo y la aman, la secuela asegurará buena rentabilidad

5/9/2023, 8:50:51 PM

@DanielleQSM @esdraxus ????#AlitaSequel *Make sure to talk to all the fans about it. Especially the #AlitaArmy fans.

5/12/2023, 10:47:58 AM