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Alita Battle Angel is on Freeform tonight at 6:00pm. Give it a chance, I promise you won't be disappointed #AlitaArmy #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel

1/9/2023, 2:59:42 PM

Alita Pic of the day. Own #AlitaBattleAngel today: ⚔️❤️⚔️⚔️❤️⚔️ #Alita #AlitaPic #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #WatchAlita

1/9/2023, 12:59:52 AM

Motorball Alita Art by supereva01 @DeviantArt #battleangelpic of the day #alita #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitaarmy #alitamovie #battleangel #battleangelalita #gunnm #gally #art #artists #deviantart #art #anime #manga

1/7/2023, 8:10:30 AM

I just HAD to make some #AlitaBattleAngel AI art. First two were Alita as a Disney Princess. The other two were Alita as Jean D'Arc leading an army on a holy war on Mars. Those don't really look like Alita. More like Joan of Ark. Still cool though! #AlitaArmy #Midjourney

1/7/2023, 2:09:14 AM

Favorite cyberpunk movie?

1/8/2023, 10:37:19 PM

@HYHussein7 You might think it would be an easy choice for someone like me but these are all great cyberpunk franchises! However my answer and my heart has to go with this cyber girl from Iron City! #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaSequel

1/9/2023, 2:52:51 PM

I think I'm in big trouble . ??‍♂️?? #BigTrouble #OhNo #Nintendo #Lol #HotToysAlita #Devilita #MadAlita #PhotoEditingFail #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel

1/7/2023, 2:39:16 PM

#AlitaBattleAngel | #AlitaArmy | #AlitaSequel | #GiveAlitaHerSequel

1/7/2023, 2:48:05 AM

I didn’t expect to love Alita: Battle Angel this much! Also why am I just watching this now? ?

1/6/2023, 4:51:19 PM

@trulalah #AlitaBattleAngel #GiveAlitaHerSequel #AlitaArmy #Alitasequel

1/7/2023, 1:23:10 AM