Hope you had a fabulous day @tonyhughes50s ALITA BATTLE ANGEL FULL MOTORBALL SCENE https://t.co/7st9jD5GC5 #battleangelpic of the day #alitapic #alita #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitafallenangel #alitafan #alitaarmy #alitamovie https://t.co/hi8UC0s9lZ https://t.co/GT7jXz4Icz
3/2/2023, 12:38:26 AM
Hope You Have A Fantastic Day @tonyhughes50s 'So you don't remember anything?' #battleangelpic of the day #alitapic #alita #alitabattleangel #alitasequel #alitafan #alitaarmy #rosasalazar #gunnm #gally #mangagirl #animegirl #battleangel #yoko #anime https://t.co/hi8UC0s9lZ https://t.co/1qLpXxCOxq
2/28/2023, 8:30:55 PM
@Abraham_1660 Morning hope that you have a terrific Tuesday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon
2/28/2023, 8:13:56 AM
@tonyhughes50s Buenos días ☕️ con la esperanza de ver un #AlitaSequel #Alita99 #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaArmy
2/28/2023, 2:30:40 PM
2/27/2023, 7:19:45 PM
@vladdie777 @aneewan_ #AlitaArmy | #AlitaBattleAngel | #AlitaMovie | #AlitaSequel @Rodriguez, please Sir, announce and #GiveAlitaHerSequel asap! Thank you!
2/27/2023, 11:45:58 PM
It was dark this morning when I took the picture, here’s a better one with sunrise ! ❤️ #PrettyRosa #Calendar #NewMonthNewPhotoOfRosa #Cute #AlitaArmy
3/1/2023, 1:31:09 PM
@alexiogrenier Yeah. One day our Queen #Rosalita will bring our #AlitaBattleAngel on 'Mars'. Cheers, #AlitaArmy. #AlitaSequel | #GiveAlitaHerSequel
3/1/2023, 3:31:09 PM
#Alita where are you? Come back fast. Miss you. #AlitaArmy
2/28/2023, 4:40:38 PM
@bsdayananda_v2 #AlitaBattleAngel | #AlitaArmy | #AlitaSequel | #GiveAlitaHerSequel
2/28/2023, 5:51:03 PM
Alita Pic of the day. Own #AlitaBattleAngel today: ⚔️❤️⚔️https://t.co/5GfSOEoPnP⚔️❤️⚔️ #Alita #AlitaPic #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #WatchAlita
2/28/2023, 4:01:08 AM
What actor/actress was completely 100% right for the role?
2/27/2023, 1:00:19 AM
@ThatEricAlper #AlitaBattleAngel put Rosa Salazar on the Hollywood map! #AlitaSequel
2/27/2023, 5:36:15 PM