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9月9日 #AlitaDay #AlitaSequel #アリータ #GiveAlitaHerSequel もういい加減、続編アナウンスしてもいい頃ですよ。 @disneystudiojp

9/8/2022, 5:56:36 PM

9月9日 きたぞ我らの #AlitaDay #AlitaSequel #アリータ

9/8/2022, 5:53:27 PM

本日9月9日はアリータデイ!! #AlitaDay #AlitaSequel #アリータ

9/8/2022, 5:36:53 PM

A wish upon a star come true. ? The cast of #Pinocchio shined bright at last night’s world premiere. The movie is now streaming! #DisneyPlusDay

9/8/2022, 5:00:32 PM

@DisneyPlus The only star I want to see is #RosaSalazar back on the red carpet for the #AlitaSequel. #AlitaDay 9/9 tomorrow! Help #AlitaArmy get Rosa her sequel!

9/8/2022, 5:03:13 PM

再録する余裕がないので過去に撮ったやつですが、Dua Lipaの『Swan Song』弾き語りです。 #AlitaDay #AlitaSequel #アリータ

9/8/2022, 5:53:53 PM

YEAH !!! ? the first ones have already started to celebrate #AlitaDay in their time zone ?????? #WorldwideFanBase #AlitaArmy

9/8/2022, 5:46:03 PM

My 1st Happy #AlitaDay tweet has to go out to @Rodriguez @JimCameron @jonlandau & @Junkie_XL! You created something so special that it will last generations! Alita will be remembered long after we become shadows and dust! #AlitaBattleAngel #AlitaArmy ??

9/8/2022, 5:24:33 PM

Check out the new poster for Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of #ThorLoveAndThunder, now streaming only on #DisneyPlus. #DisneyPlusDay

9/8/2022, 4:44:12 PM

@DisneyPlus We need Alita on @DisneyPlus and an #AlitaSequel! Join #AlitaArmy tomorrow on #AlitaDay to show Disney we need a sequel!

9/8/2022, 4:48:29 PM