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Alita: Battle Angel - Frame 617 of 7318 0:10:16 |▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| 2:01:57 #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel

4/4/2023, 8:00:01 PM

Alita: Battle Angel - Frame 593 of 7318 0:09:52 |▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| 2:01:57 #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel

4/3/2023, 8:00:01 PM

@jonlandau Morning hope that you have a lovely Monday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon please

4/3/2023, 8:32:44 AM

@Schmendrick19 Morning hope that you have a lovely Monday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon

4/3/2023, 8:19:29 AM

@tonyhughes50s Good Morning Tony! Thank you very much! I wish you a great Monday and a successful start into the new week, too! ??? Heavy traffic under our hashtag '#AlitaSequel'. All this just to show @Disney that they must #GiveAlitaHerSequel! Here. And now!

4/3/2023, 8:32:22 AM

Alita: Battle Angel - Frame 605 of 7318 0:10:04 |▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| 2:01:57 #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel

4/4/2023, 8:00:01 AM

@DisneyStudios Morning we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon please and don't give up on #Alita we won't

4/3/2023, 8:33:14 AM

@Rodriguez Morning hope that you have a lovely Monday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon please

4/3/2023, 8:32:25 AM

@JimCameron Morning hope that you have a lovely Monday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel soon please

4/3/2023, 8:31:36 AM