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#AlitaSequel NEWS - I say have both James Cameron AND Robert Rodriguez as directors. James Cameron would need the help and assistance from New Zealand

5/14/2023, 10:19:07 PM

Alita: Battle Angel - Frame 1578 of 7318 0:26:17 |▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░| 2:01:57 #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel

5/14/2023, 10:00:01 PM

Alita es una de las mejores adaptaciones de manga o comics (ademas de muy buena película) pero ustedes recién ahora están descubriendo esto, y eso es algo bueno. #Alita

5/14/2023, 8:08:02 PM

@Kubajz_99 Morning hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday and we need a #AlitaSequel #GiveAlitaHerSequel now

5/14/2023, 10:19:46 AM

@tonyhughes50s Good morning Tony, thank you very much and have a wonderful Sunday. And of course we need #AlitaSequel ???

5/14/2023, 11:22:58 AM

if just 100 of you go see hypnotic this weekend alita 2 will happen #Alitaarmy #hypnoticsweep

5/14/2023, 10:16:36 PM

Alita Pic of the day. Own #AlitaBattleAngel today: ⚔️❤️⚔️⚔️❤️⚔️ #Alita #AlitaPic #AlitaArmy #AlitaSequel #WatchAlita

5/14/2023, 9:46:29 PM

LATEST ON the #AlitaSequel: Anyone know the source of this information? Could it be that James Cameron, Jon Landau and Robert Rodriguez finally made their pitch to Disney? And this was Iger’s response? #Alita #AlitaArmy

5/14/2023, 7:31:38 PM

「何故アリータの顔はCGIなのか?」は多くの人が思うことで、キャメロンは「原作リスペクトで大きな目を実写にした」と答えているけど、それだけの為に膨大な予算と労力と時間をかけるわけがなく、要は「観客をCGIのキャラに感情移入させる」為にあの造形に挑戦したんですよ。 #AlitaSequel >RT

5/14/2023, 11:11:15 AM